A holistic assessment of the drivers and barriers to proceeding with bariatric surgery

Understanding the key drivers to undergoing bariatric surgery and how to reach a larger number of obese people to encourage bariatric surgery.

The problem

Our client wanted to uncover the key barriers obese people encounter preventing them from undergoing bariatric surgery, and how these barriers could be overcome. Understand the key drivers to undergoing bariatric surgery and how to reach a larger number of obese people to encourage bariatric surgery.

The solution

Conducted a multi-phase approach – including market mapping, pulse surveys, 360 stakeholder interviews, quant study, and workshops – to gain robust insights.

Targeted stakeholders involved in the pathway, including patients (pre and post-op) and payers, who have a unique insight into surgery approvals and device procurement.

The impact

The research helped to identify four key leakage points which prevent patients from undergoing surgery.

Perceptions, drivers & barriers to surgery, patient journey and patient experience also investigated.

Segmentation helped to distinguish between patient types and key messages to communicate to them.

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