3 April 2023

Vox.Bio to host: The role of the patient influencer in the future of healthcare (Webinar)

Following our recent content series on patient influencers (check out the blog series here), we’re thrilled to announce that Vox.Bio will be hosting a free webinar on the role of the patient influencer in the future of healthcare.

To join the webinar simply sign-up for free here.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 25th April 2023, at 16:00 BST and will take place online.

Pre-event registration is essential to ensure you will receive the Zoom dial-in link.

The webinar will examine the role that patient influencers in understanding what drives a patient influencer, how they impact the healthcare industry and influence product usage.

Join Ngozi Okoli, Sally Waddington, and patient influencer, Daniel Newman (@t1_dan) as we explore how patient influencers can be a source of insight, and be used to support your market research objectives.


More about Dan Newman

Dan is a patient influencer with type 1 diabetes, he has been a speaker at a number of events, including Talking About Diabetes 2022. (You can watch the video from the event here.) He has also worked with numerous organisations in the UK and Internationally, including Diabetes UK, Digibete, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Beyond Type 1, Connected in Motion and the NHS.


More about Vox.Bio

Since 2017, Vox.Bio has been delivering the power of knowing to healthcare and life science organisations. Through market research expertise, we enable business offerings to go further, aligning what matters most to you and your customers.
