This World Mental Health day, we have looked back over the last seven months and reflected on how lockdown and this pandemic has affected mental health and what can be done to help those who may be struggling to adapt to this new way of life. COVID-19 has generated a lot of changes to the life that we once knew. Adapting to life in lockdown and to a situation we had no control over has partly dictated a new way of life to many of us. Who would have believed that simply dropping in on friends and family would cease to be a possibility?
We found ourselves missing the easy camaraderie of the office as many of us embraced working from home. All these adaptations and changes to our day to day lives can affect one’s mental health. Being able to bounce back is evidence of resilience and well-developed coping skills, however, until faced with these situations, we do not know what we are made of. The bedrock of mental health remains unchanged, it is the mundane everyday things that build fortitude and can help you to respond to any challenge, including living within a Pandemic and there comes a time when you become grateful for these.
There are basic principles to the everyday routines which we shouldn’t take for granted, rather embrace and nourish. Like having a good sleep routine, making sure you get enough rest and down time, thus starting the day with a clear mind. Nourishing your body to ensure you are fuelling yourself with what you need most. Fruit and vegetables as well as staying hydrated, as it also helps your mental function.
Incorporating exercise into your daily routine. CHR and Vox.Bio have encouraged the team to get more active through our ‘Moving Miles for Forests’ initiative, where we plant trees based on the miles our team covers through exercise. You can find out more about this initiative at here. This has really helped the team in finding extra motivation, boosting their mental health and general wellbeing as well as improving their cognitive function. Exercise is as effective as an antidepressant in mild to moderate cases.
Of course, remembering to do things you enjoy, and you get something out of. We have all tried new and different activities to keep us entertained during lockdown, but these things should continue to give us fun weekends and evenings! Reading a good book, watching a film, completing a jigsaw puzzle or playing a game of chess. Taking up knitting for the first time or drawing, it’s up to you!
The message that we take on World Mental Health Day is to be grateful for the everyday things that enable you to rise above the challenges that life throws at you. Having an attitude of gratitude is proven to make you more buoyant and help you withstand whatever life may throw your way. Of course, we appreciate that sometimes these things just aren’t enough. We are proud to have several qualified Mental Health First Aiders are always on hand and have their virtual doors open.
This year, we are raising funds for YoungMinds and continue to support the mental health and wellbeing of our staff every day.